Adobe Air

JavaScript is currently disabled in your browser and is required to download Adobe AIR. The Adobe AIR runtime enables developers to package the same code into native applications and games for Windows and Mac OS desktops as well as iOS and Android devices

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The Adobe® AIR, runtime enables you to have your favorite web applications with you all the time. Since applications built for Adobe AIR run on your desktop computer without a web browser, they provid...

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  • 關於Adobe AIR:. Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於Windows 和Mac OS 桌上型電腦,以及iOS 和Android 裝置的原生應...
    需要適用於不同電腦的Adobe AIR 嗎?
  • JavaScript is currently disabled in your browser and is required to download Adobe AIR. Th...
    Adobe - Adobe AIR
  • Adobe Air, free and safe download. Adobe Air latest version: Build and deploy rich web app...
    Adobe Air - Download
  • Adobe 的AIR 技術已讓現今世界各地的開發人員得以將最出色的應用程式及行動遊戲推出上市。Adobe AIR 是功能最強大的執行階段環境之一,全球各地的裝置安裝 .....
    Adobe AIR - Google Play Android 應用程式
  • Adobe AIR (formerly Adobe Integrated Runtime) is a cross-platform runtime system developed...
    Adobe AIR - Wikipedia
  • Adobe AIR 開發者 Adobe Systems 初始版本 2008年2月25日, 8年前 ( ) 穩定版本年9月21日, 16個月前 ( )...
    Adobe AIR - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Adobe AIR(AIR=Adobe Integrated Runtime),开发代号為Apollo,是一個跨作業系統運行環境,用來建造RIA,使用Flash、Flex、HTML...
    Adobe AIR - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
  • Adobe AIR and Adobe Flash Player are ubiquitous runtimes of Adobe Flash that enable develo...
    Adobe AIR and Adobe Flash Player Technologies | Flash Platform ...
  • The Adobe® AIR® runtime enables developers to package the same code into native apps for W...
    Adobe AIR | Adobe AIR | Deploy applications
  • Adobe® AIR® 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於 iPhone、iPad、Kindle Fire、Nook Tablet 和其他 Android 裝置的原生應...
    Adobe AIR | Adobe AIR | 部署應用程式
  • The Adobe® AIR® runtime enables developers to package the same code into native apps for W...
    Adobe AIR | Deploy applications across platforms and devices
  • Adobe® AIR® Runtime 可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於Windows 和Mac OS 桌面、iPhone、iPad、Kindle Fire、Nook Tab...
    Adobe AIR | 在各種平台和裝置上部署應用程式
  • 關於Adobe AIR:. Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於Windows 和Mac OS 桌上型電腦,以及iOS 和Android 裝置的原生應...
    Adobe AIR 關於Adobe AIR
  • The Adobe® Flash® runtimes — Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR® — enable developers to cons...
    Adobe Flash - Official Site
  • Adobe AIR Adobe Shockwave Player All products Creative Cloud Individuals Photographers Stu...
    Adobe Systems - Official Site
  • The Adobe® AIR® 執行階段可讓您執行 AIR 應用程式。您可以透過下列方式安裝執行階段: 另外安裝執行階段 (與 AIR 應用程式分開安裝) 透過網頁安裝「標誌」首次...
    AdobeAIR * Adobe AIR 安裝
  • Download Adobe AIR 25preview, which introduces enhanced features that provide developers a...
    Download Adobe AIR 25 Beta - Adobe Labs
  • The Adobe AIR SDK provides the tools necessary to build and deploy Adobe AIR applications.
    Download Adobe AIR SDK
  • Vivaldi 1.6.689.40 - Looking For A New Alternative Web Browser? Try Vivaldi - ReviewSoft.c...
    Vivaldi 1.6.689.40 Free Download - ReviewSoft
  • 關於Adobe AIR:. Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於Windows 和Mac OS 桌上型電腦,以及iOS 和Android 裝置的原生應...
    需要適用於不同電腦的Adobe AIR 嗎?
  • JavaScript is currently disabled in your browser and is required to download Adobe AIR. Th...
    Adobe - Adobe AIR